Online Marriage Group

Deeper: How Emotional Intelligence Grows Greater Connection And Intimacy

Emotions are like nitroglycerin - they can blow up buildings or mend hearts. In one form, nitroglycerin is called dynamite and in another form it's a small pill that helps hearts get back in rhythm. Emotions are powerful and they set the foundation for connection or disconnection in our marriages. That's why it's critical to understand what's going inside of us.

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Healthy and vibrant marriages are emotionally intelligent. Marriage expert John Gottman writes,

“In the strongest marriages, husband and wife share a deep sense of meaning. They don’t just ‘get along’—they also support each other’s hopes and aspirations and build a sense of purpose into their lives together. The more emotionally intelligent a couple, the better able they are to understand, honor, and respect each other in this manner.”

When both husband and wife learn skills in self-awareness, other-awareness, and have the ability to manage their emotions a marriage grows deeper and connection grows.

Join us for a six-week Online Marriage Group, hosted by Jeff Helton. Limited to eight couples, this group will explore the world of emotional intelligence and discover ways to speak a language of the heart with each other. Each one-hour group will include a weekly marriage check-in question, teaching content about EQ, practical skills you can immediately apply and discussion time around the content.


Date: TBD

Time: One hour in the evening

Cost: $295 per couple

If you and your spouse would like to join our Online Marriage Group, fill out the form below and you will receive an email shortly after with more details about payment information and how to prepare for the first call. Looking forward to seeing you there!